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Species diversity and distribution of Musa species (Musaceae) in Arunachal Pradesh, North Eastern India.

Gurumayum Ranibala, Sureshkumar Singh S., Mohamed Latif Khan


A long term study conducted from 2011 to 2018 in the Western, Central and Eastern parts of Arunachal Pradesh, North Eastern India revealed occurrence of high diversity of wild Musa species (Musaceae) under the  sections, Eumusa and Rhodochlamys. A total of 20 Musa specimens consisting of six species under section Eumusa and 14 specimens (7 species, 4 unidentified species and 3 hybrids) of Rhodochlamys were recorded in the study. M. cheesmani among Eumusa while M. velutina and M. aurantiaca among Rhodochlamys were most abundant species. All the species and hybrids of Rhodochlamys were found  growing in disturbed habitats such as degraded foot hills, drying swamps, landslide prone areas and along sides of expanding highway roads. One of the species, M. rubinea is at high risk of loss from the natural habitats if proper conservation measures are taken up immediately. In this study, it was observed that collection and identification of the Musa specimens were easier based on the traditional sectional classification. It is suggested that that molecular taxonomy using ITS sequences and chloroplast gene loci may improve correct identification of Musa, particularly unidentified species and hybrids in the section Rhodochlamys.


Arunachal Pradesh, diversity, Eumusa, Musa rubinea, Musaceae, Rhodochlamys

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