Ehretia pubescens Benth. with differential germinability patterns due to climate change
Climate change may influence the composition of plant communities by affecting the reproduction, growth, establishment and local extinction of plant species. Predicting the effect of climate change may provide insight into the impact and relationship between weather pattern and flowering phenology in long term studies. Pollen viability is one important factor of reproduction. Pollen viability is essential for a good fruit set. The study is undertaken to evaluate the influence of temperature and rainfall fluctuation pattern on floral phenology and pollen viability in the restricted distribution of the plant Ehretia pubescens Benth. Field observation on floral phenology has revealed changes occurring in the pollen viability with the change of temperature and rainfall. The plants show drought resistant; however, it is observed that it blooms immediately after the rainfall. Change in the rainfall pattern results in change in flowering pattern. On the natural habitat fruit set is a good indicating of good germinability of pollen grain in vivo. In vitro pollen germinability is less efficient for this species as supported by the data.
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