An analysis on Indian Flowering Plants described between 2000 and 2020
From 2000 to 2020, approximately 1306 newly discovered taxa and 14 new genera have been added to the Indian angiosperm flora by 111 journals, among these 233 newly described taxa synonymized to already existing 209 taxa. Where about 24 states and three union territories are the type locations for these newly described taxa and were not clear the distribution about five new taxa. The present analysis shows that an average of one new taxon is described in every 5.5 days. Highest number of 132 taxa published in the year of 2017 and least number of 17 published in the year of 2005. Last 10 years data obviously indicates that the new plant species discoveries drastically increased, more than 100 taxa discovered in 2016, 2017 and 2020 with 105, 132 and 114 respectively. From 2000 to 2009 only 389 taxa discovered and from 2010 to 2020 total of 917 taxa described from different states of India. It shows the Indian flora increased the size at the rate of an average of 62.19 taxa annually. Despite the attention given to biodiversity in recent years increased, the evidence indicates that a large number of species in India have yet to be discovered. However, more than 850 new taxa have been discovered in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Andaman Nicobar (UT) over the course of the previous 21 years, making these five provinces significant sources of new discoveries. Particularly Kerala and Tamil Nadu have the highest density of newly discovered species in last two decades. Regional plant surveys are still needed, especially in areas such as Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Andaman Nicobar (UT) and Himalayas. In this study we attempted to provide insights into the present status of botanical discoveries of flowering plants in last 21 years.
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