Pure Algal Cultures Using Varying Photoperiods, Nutrients, Antibiotics, Enrichment, and Water Treatments
Selected freshwater microalgae (Scenedesmus quadricauda, Chlorella vulgaris, Eudorina elegans, Closterium sp., Chlorococcum sp., Cocconeis placentula, Gonium sp., Anabaena sp., Chlamydomonas sp., Stephanosphaera sp., Characium sp., Tetraspora sp., and Pleodorina sp.), were artificially established axenically in illuminated culture cabinet using the gelose and dilution methods by varying culture media, antibiotics, enrichment, photoperiods, and water treatment. Most algae were selective against different antibiotics, hypochloride and U.V treatments. Volvox sp. defied all culture methods. Highest Chlorella vulgaris cell density of 244 x 106 cells/ml was obtained with penicillin, treatment in filtered-unautoclaved-water (FUW) followed by 154 x 106 cells/ml using unfilteredunautoclaved-water (UfUW) at 0.005%-0.01% hypochlorite solution at 15:09h L:D. Model 1 ANOVA for filtered-autoclaved-water (FAW), FUW and UfUW, with S. quadricuada was significant (p<0.05, 2 26F0.05, 3.889) only at 24.00h photoperiod, C. vulgaris was significant (2 31F0.05, 3.317) at 15:09 L:D.The Least significant difference (LSD) for S. quadricauda was 15:09h L:D > 24h Light >12:12h L:D while that of C. vulgaris was UfUW>FUW>FAW. Thus, photoperiods and water treatments impacted significantly on algae production. The various isolated axenic phytoplankton monospecies cultures were thereafter mass produced in very high stocking densities in semicontrolled outdoor tanks of 0.6 m3 to 10 m3 capacities.
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