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Effect of 28-Homobrassinolide on photosynthesis and carbohydrate content of Maize under salt and cadmium stress

Edupuganti Sujatha, Anusha C., Shahana Taheniyat, Lalitha R.


This study was aimed to find the effects of 28-homobrassinolide (28-HBL) on maize seedlings subjected to the combined stress of cadmium and salinity (180 mM), either alone and supplemented with 28-HBL treatments (1 and 2μM). NaCl and Cd stress alone and combined stress plants exhibited a decrease in net photosynthetic rate and quantum efficiency of PSII. However exogenous application of HBL to NaCl and/or Cd stressed plants increased the photosynthetic rate and its related attributes (Gs, Ci and E). Chlorophyll fluorescence values were significantly decreased by Cd treatments in comparison with the control suggesting induction of photo inhibition. BR could protect photosystem II from salt and Cd induced oxidative damage and improve chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and increase the absorption of light energy and electron transfer. HBL promotes the activity of Calvin cycle enzymes and also regulates the carbohydrate metabolism in maize under NaCl and/or Cd stress. NaCl or/and Cd stress significantly elevated the levels of glucose and fructose, whereas sucrose and starch levels were considerably decreased in comparison to control. Increase in glucose and fructose levels were accompanied by significant increase in sucrose breakdown enzymes i.e. AI and SS under Cd or/and NaCl stress, the degradation of sucrose to glucose and fructose was increased, whereas its biosynthesis was inhibited under NaCl or/and Cd stress. Accumulation of glucose, sucrose, and fructose during stressed conditions plays a very important role in carbon storage, osmotic regulation, and homeostasis, as well as scavenging of free radicals. These maintain the osmotic potential as well as involve in redox reactions and contribute in maintaining the structures of macromolecules and membranes. HBL alone applications also accounted for significant increase in the carbohydrate fractions in maize plants, which leads to the up regulation of sucrose metabolism and biosynthesis enzymes.


Maize, 28-Homobrassinolide, photosynthetic pigments,Calvin Cycle Enzymes,Carbohydrate Metabolism, salt stress, cadmium stress.

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