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Impact of Erodium moschatum (L.) L.'Hér. extracts against some bacteria and fungi species

Mostafa Qahtan Mosataf, Sirwan Hassan Salih, Talib Ouaid Alkhazraji


The effectiveness of Erodium moschatum extracts (ethanol and methanol, water) were tested against pathogenic bacteria (two gram positive: Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus lactis and two gram negative: Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis) and four pathogenic fungi (Microsprum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Pencillium chrysogenum and Fusarium oxysporeum). Tannins, flavonoid and glycoside contents were studied by using HPLC technique and their antimicrobial activities were examined. The results showed the extracts efficacy on the tested microbes in which the ethanol with 11.11mm methanol with 11.22mm diameter were the most effective against the studied bacteria compared with the rest of the studied extracts, either in the fungi it was found that the studied extracts did not have significant differences in their effectiveness against the tested fungi, the results seemed that there are a difference in the concentration of studied active compounds according to the environment (geographical locations) and the difference in the plant parts, rutin showed the highest concentration in the entire plant (Sulaymaniyah) at concentration 22.92ppm compared to the rest of the compounds and Saladin locality and the studied plant part.


Phytochemical, Bioactivity, Erodium moschatum (L.) L.'Hér. extracts

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