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Foliar micromorphological character studies on Trichosanthes L. (Cucurbitaceae) from Terai & Duars, West Bengal, India.

Roshni Chowdhury, Anurag Chowdhury, Monoranjan Chowdhury


Trichosanthes is one of the most economically important genera of the family Cucurbitaceae. Studies on trichome micro-morphology and stomata were investigated for six species of Trichosanthes. All species has been recorded from the Terai and Duars of West Bengal. Range of variability in Trichosanthes species are quite variable, trichomes types including uni-multiseriate, macro-microform, conical, candelabra, capitated, glandular and non- glandular. Stomatal character shows variability (Paracytic, Actinocytic, Anomocytic and Diacytic). Trichomes and stomatal characters are utilised for phenetic studies which found to be important taxonomic tools to solve any disputes at least at or below species level. 


Stomata; Taxonomic significance; Trichosanthes; Trichomes; Cluster analysis

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The Plant database. Accessed: 25th September 2018.


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