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Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its diverse applications in various fields

Shiva Shirotiya, Bhanumati Singh, Chauhan V.S.


Nanobiotechnology is a growing field due to its wide variety of applications in many fields of science and technology. Use of Nanoparticles in biomedical and biotechnology is due to its great surface area, improved permeability, retention effect etc. Green synthesized gold nanoparticles are very much useful for different applications in nanobiotechnology because of its properties and ecofriendly nature. Because of its chemical and physical properties, Colloidal gold has different uses in biotechnology. There are many ways to synthesize gold nanoparticles but green synthesis method is more appropriate as compared to others. This review addressed basically on the different methods of synthesis of gold nanoparticles but is also focused on its green synthesis, different shapes, sizes and various applications in each and every field of life. To be concise, AuNPs are potent tool in targeting drug delivery and biomedical application.


Biosynthesis, Nanoparticle, AuNPs, Drug, Nanotechnology, targeted drug delivery

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