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Nutritional composition, Taxonomical and phytoremediation status of Duckweed (Wolffia): Review

Amit Pandey, Verma R.K.


Wolffia are the crucial in decline of a flowering plant having tiny, rootless spheres in 1 mm length (or less). Wolffia is commonly known as Watermeal because it look like small particles over the water. 5 species of Wolffia are found in Western United States, while 11 species all over world. Being taken from pond to pond on the feet of water fowl (tucked neatly under the ducks' bodies during flight), might describe the distribution of few Wolffia species. In the South eastern part of US, there are evidence of Wolffia plant being taken from tornado, and they had been reported in the water of melted hailstones. Our review were focus on the Nutritional aspects, Taxonomy, Phytoremediation of heavy metal and uses of different species of Wolffia plant.


Wolffia, Aquatic Plant, Araceae

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