Assessment of salinity tolerance in tomato cultivars grown in Maharashtra, India.
The present study was undertaken to assess the genotypic variation for salinity tolerance in five commercial cultivars of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) grown in Maharashtra. Growth parameters such as shoot length, root length, fresh weight and dry weight were assessed at control, 50 mM and 100 mM NaCl with Hoagland’s solution. The shoot/root length and fresh/dry weight declined at 100 mM stress. Proline accumulated as a consequence of salt stress. On the basis of growth parameters and proline accumulation cultivars Abhinav and Rohini were tolerant, TO1389 and N2535 moderately tolerant and Naina sensitive towards salinity stress.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21746/aps.2018.7.5.9
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