Insect diversity and pollination biology of Leucas chinensis (Lamiaceae)
Detailed studies were carried out on the Phenology, floral biology, pollination and breeding system of Leucas chinensis. The flowers were found throughout the year. The flower is typical Lamiacean bilabiate. The inflorescence is verticillaster. Inflorescence initials are generally activated in the leaf axils. Anther dehiscence mode is longitudinal. The pollen grains were spherical and tricolpate. The size of the pollen is 26.55 ± 3.0 and 85% of pollen viable at 12am. The stigma is dry type and receptive between 12am-1.00pm. The fruit is nutlet and seed ovule ratio is 4:4. In breeding experiment we found that apomixis not present in this Leucas member maximum fruit set occur in the open pollination and xenogamy (95% and 90% respectively). The flower offer nectar and pollen as rewards for floral visitors. Flowers were visited by several insects and butterflies. The potential pollinators were Apis cerana, Amegilla sp., Ceratina sp. and an ant species, Componotus parius.
Leucas chinensis; Pollination; Diversity; Nototriby; Amegilla
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