Algal biofuel: A promising perspective
The depleting energy resources and rising environmental issues have led to significant research in the field of producing fuel using alternative means. Biofuel can serve as better means to cope up with the depleting fossil and petroleum fuels. The novel properties of algae have set them as the best among all other biomasses and as a better alternative to the energy crisis. Algal biofuels are grouped under “Third generation biofuels” which has gained significant attention recently. Combustion of fossil and petroleum fuel releases sulphur dioxide in the air causing air pollution and acid rain. Most of the research on algal biofuel is done using microalgae which have high oil content along with faster growth rate. The potential of algae for producing biofuel can be improved by obtaining more efficient methods and by overcoming its certain limitations. The present review highlights the advantages, various types and production of algal biofuel.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21746/aps.2018.7.5.10
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