Aerobiological studies with special reference to airborne basidiospores of Ganoderma Karst. at Pune, Maharashtra, India.
The basidiospores of Ganoderma were trapped in abundance during the aerobiological studies at Pune, during the year 2012. The sampling was conducted during the rainy months from 18th June to 10th September. Volumetric continuous Tilak Air sampler was used for sampling. Maximum number of spores was observed in the month of August (25760/m3 of air), followed by September (16548/m3 of air). The total spore number was 47460/m3 of air. The highest spore catch (3472/m3 of air) was recorded on 1st September. The relationship between the airborne concentration of Ganoderma spore count and meteorological factors are discussed in the paper. This information could be important for the sensitive individuals as Ganoderma spores are known to be allergic.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21746/aps.2018.7.5.1
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