Monitoring of arsenic in groundwater of adjoining areas of Gorakhpur District (U.P.), India.
Arsenic contamination is an enormous worldwide problem. Groundwater arsenic contamination and sufferings of people have been reported in 20 countries in different parts of the world. The magnitude is considered highest in 5 Asian countries and the severity is in order of Bangladesh> India> Mangolia > China> Taiwan. The contamination of drinking water supplies with natural Occurring arsenic is major health problem. The paper deals estimation of arsenic in groundwater of Gorakhpur district. For this purpose, total 36 study sites were selected in urban as well as in rural area of the district, further the samples were collected from shallow bore well as from the deep bore wells. It was concluded that 5 areas are under high risk zone of arsenic, 5 areas are at the low risk and 26 areas which are monitored are in the safe zone of arsenic. High risk areas are crossing the permissible level of arsenic consumption according to WHO.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21746/aps.2018.7.4.23
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