Effect of chemical mutagens on chromosomal behavior of Allium cepa L.
Effect of chemical mutagens was studied in mitotic cells of Allium cepa L. For this purpose, root tips were treated with saturated aqueous solution of paradichlorobenzene, 0.2% EMS and 0.2 % freshly prepared aqueous colchicines solution for 4 hours to 9 hours. The study revealed a wide range of chromosomal abnormalities such as stickiness, laggards, chromosomal bridge, unequal separation, nuclear budding, multinuclear cells etc. The chromosomal abnormalities in different mitotic stages were calculated on mitotic index, frequency of phases and percentage of abnormalities in mitosis. The chromosomal abnormalities increase with increasing duration of treatment. The results showed that in 0.2% colchicine and 0.2%EMS treated cells more than 50% abnormalities were observed after 9 hrs of treatment. While in PDB maximum chromosomal abnormalities observed after 6hrs of treatment. Maximum MI was recorded as 68% in controlled cells. While in PDB, colchicines and EMS treated cells minimum 9.5%, 20% and 23% MI were observed respectively after 9hrs of treatment.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21746/aps.2018.7.4.22
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