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Plant extracts as an astounding remedy to anemia - A review

Upasana Saha, Purva Sudesh Dharwadkar, Susmita Sur, Vishaharini V., Madhu Malleshappa


Anemia is one of the most widespread nutritional deficiencies of blood which affect the populations of all ages throughout the world, children and adolescents being at a significantly higher risk for the condition. Medicinal plants have been a source of succor in the control of many diseases in developing countries and anemia is no exception. Treatment of anemia involves an iron-rich diet, iron and vitamin supplements. Iron supplements that are commercially available, if consumed too much of which can lead to circumstances like Hemochromatosis, Neurogenic Disorders and sometimes even cancer. In this study, extracts of different plants (Moringa oleifera, Psidium guajava, Cymbopogon citratus, and Trigonella foenum-graecum) were examined for their iron content to formulate some natural iron product to put forth as a solution to iron deficiency. The total iron content in the standard solution and samples of selected plant were obtained by phenanthroline method modified using analysis by absorption spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometric studies reveal the amount of iron content and hence the efficiency of the species in combatting anemia. Since these are natural sources, the food supplements designed from their extracts are expected to provide a solution to the disease without causing the harmful effects of the commercial iron supplements and also alongside provide other nutritional benefits to the individual.


Anemia, iron, deficiency, natural, extracts, supplements, disease, Moringa oleifera Psidium guajava L., Cymbopogon ciratus, Trigonella foenum-graecum, phenanthroline

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