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Isolation and identification of fungal assemblages in the necrotic spots of Bambusa pallida (L.) Voss

Sanjit Debnath, Pintu Karmakar, Sukla Bhattacharjee, Koushik Majumdar, Panna Das, Ajay Krishna Saha


Bamboos are the most important plant due to their different uses and good source of income for upliftment of rural economy. Different parts of bamboos are damaged by many harmful bacteria, fungi and other organisms causing huge loss of economy. Diseased leaves of Bambusa pallida were used for isolation of fungal assemblages in symptom sites. A total of 7 fungi were isolated from the cultured medium; these were Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Drechslera rostrata, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium redolens, Sterile sp1, Sterile sp2, and Sterile sp3. Isolated L. theobromae, D. rostrata, C. lunata, F. redolens may be the causal fungi for necrotic spots disease in B. pallida. Colonization rate and isolation rate (%) were observed highest in L. theobromae, C. lunata F. redolens and Sterile sp2. The present finding will be helpful for knowing the causes of damage and relation with leaf spot disease. Further studies needed to be undertaken for finding the mode of colonization to causes diseases.


Bamboo, Disease, Isolated, Colonization rate and Isolation rate.

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