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Isolation and molecular identification of four culturable endophytes from TV22 clone of Camellia sinensis (L.)

Pranjal Pratim Das, Tapas Medhi


Endophytes are microorganisms presents within plant in asymptomatic manner and often act as a reservoir of novel bioactive secondary metabolites having antimicrobial, anti-insect and other beneficial properties. In absence of any reports on the presence of endophyte and their possible metabolic role in the process of infestation of tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.) by tea mosquito bug (Halopeltis theivora Waterhouse), the present study was undertaken to trace and isolate them from tea leaves for their molecular characterisation based on 16S rRNA sequencing. In this process, four endophytic bacteria have been identified as Brachybacterium sp. strain TMCS1, Bacillus pumilus strain TMCS2, Moraxella osloensis strain TMCS3 and Moraxella osloensis strain TMCS4 from the 2nd leaf of a young flash of C.sinensis (TV22 clone) which will enable us to study their culturable properties and role as biocontrol agents.


Endophytes, C. sinensis, 16S rRNA, sequencing, TV22, plant-microbe interaction.

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