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HPLC identification of bioactive flavonoids in the methanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of Homalium zeylanicum Benth.

Anuradha Devi V., Veera Kishore I., Ragha Latha R., Kokkanti Mallikarjuna


Natural products continue to provide unique structural diversity in comparison to standard combinatorial chemistry, which presents opportunities for discovering mainly novel low molecular weight lead compounds. Homalium zeylanicum belonging to the family Flacourtiaceae is an important medicinal plant having traditional uses in diabetes, rheumatism and wound healing activities. Chromatographic methods like TLC and HPLC were used for the separation and identification of flavonoids present in methanolic and aqueous leaf extract was studied. The chromatographic methods available for the separation of flavonoids in TLC and HPLC were adopted for the study. Three compounds were identified in TLC study in methanolic leaf extracts. In HPLC analysis, peaks corresponding to flavonoids were obtained and were identified by comparing with literature and confirm that methanolic extract contains Rutin, Quercetin and Myricetin where as in aqueous extract Quercetin, Myricetin and Kaempferol were observed. The anti diabetic activity of isolated compounds was determined by literature and confirms that compounds were found to be having potent anti diabetic activity. This proves that the anti-diabetic activity of Homalium zeylanicum was due to the presence of these bio-active compounds.


Homalium zeylanicum, flavonoids, the anti-diabetic activity, TLC, HPLC.

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