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Proteomic study of salt tolerant cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. BHUAR002 isolated from Usar soil

Aparna Rai


Salt stress leads to an alteration in protein profile and induction of stress-specific proteins. The SDS – PAGE analysis of total soluble proteins of Anabaena sp. BHUAR002 (Accession no. bankit1353506 HM235817) exposed to 500 mM NaCl for 24 h revealed inhibition of host proteins, induction of selected proteins and appearance of some new proteins. In view of the appreciable alteration in total soluble protein profile after 500 mM salt treatment for 24 h, this dose was selected for further physiological, biochemical and proteomic analysis of the response of Anabaena sp. BHUAR002 to salinity and to examine the relationship between these responses. Further, 2DE of the total soluble protein of Anabaena sp. BHUAR002 showed 73 spots present only in control, 43 spots present only in stress and 15 differentially expressed spots present in both control and stress but show different levels of expression. This may be due to disturbance of cellular homeostasis by salt stress. Out of fifteen, Six spots were identified after MALDI-TOF MS analysis were identified as Manganese and iron Superoxide dismutase  [Anabaenavariabilis ATCC 29413], Cytidine deaminase [Porphyromonas venonis 60-3], Phycobilisome Protein [Nodularia Spumigena CCY9414], DNA replication and repair protein recF [Yersinia aldovae ATCC35236], IS1112 transposase [Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae PXO99A] and TP901 family phage tail tape measure protein [Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2].


Cyanobacteria; Proteomic study; SDS – PAGE; Salt Stress, 2DE, MALDI-TOF MS

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