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Estimation of correlation coefficient study of some quantitative traits in wheat

Chitralekha Shyam, Chandrakar P.K., Rastogi N.K., Umakant Banjare, Manoj Densena


Wheat is the world’s most important crop that excels all other cereal crops both in area and production, thereby providing about 20.0 per cent of total food calories for the people of the world. The experiment was conducted at Research Farm, IGKV, Raipur during Rabi 2013-14. Chhattisgarh is located in the east - central part of the country between 17°14’N and 24°45’ N latitudes and 73°30’ E and 84°15’ E longitudes, whereas Raipur the capital of the Chhattisgarh state, lies at 21°16’ N latitude and 81°36’ E longitude with an altitude of 289.60 meters above sea level. All Twenty two genotypes were grown in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Correlation studies give a clear picture of characters association which is generally due to linkage, pleiotrophy, physiological association in developmental and biochemical pathway The phenotypic and genotypic correlations were determined among seed yield and its components in possible character combinations. In Correlation coefficient analysis, seed yield per plant exhibited highly significant positive correlations with number of seeds per spike and number of seeds per plant at both genotypic and phenotypic levels, whereas number of seeds per spikelet at the genotypic level.


Correlation coefficient, yield components, variability, wheat

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