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Characterization of genetic diversity of wild pomegranate collected from Himachal Pradesh, India.

Ritu Mahajan, Azhar Javed, Nisha Kapoor


Wild pomegranate is distributed in three states of India. However, genomic information is rare in this plant. In this paper we studied the genetic diversity of wild pomegranate collected from different places of Himachal Pradesh using RAPD primers. A high degree of polymorphism of 80.7% was observed. Cluster analysis demarcated the accessions into two distinct groups. The genetic dissimilarity index calculated varied from 0.16 to 0.68 for twenty-one wild pomegranate genotypes. The presence of high genetic diversity can be useful for understanding the process of domestication and cultivated pomegranate breeding programs.


wild pomegranate, genetic diversity, molecular markers, characterization

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