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Timber yielding plants of district Haridwar and adjacent Siwalik hills

Shyam Singh


Timber yielding plant of district Haridwar are valuable and have great importance in forestry of Uttranchal state, Raja Ji National Park of Shiwalik Hills have a great variety in the flora. About 93 families of the tree plants are found in the part and pathri forest of district Haridwar in which more Timer belongs to dicotyledons and some belong to group monocotyledons. Timber commonly used in plywood, Railway sleepers, building construction material and in furnitures. Total 100 plant species belonging to 93 families have been identified and specimen twig of some trees collected and preserved in the Herbarium of M.S. College, Saharanpur.


Timber, Haridwar, National Park, Pathriforest, Forest.

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