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Isolation and identification of chemical compounds from stem and roots of Sesbania sesban

Baljinder Singh, Rajiv Sharma, Kalia A.N., Vijender Kumar


Sesbania sesban is a small perennial tree with woody stems, yellow flowers which is commonly known as Rawasan, family Leguminosae, is one of the restorative plant for inflammatory rheumatic conditions. This study on identification and characterization of isolated chemical compounds from n-butanol extract of root and stems of the plant S. sesban. This research is continued from previous research which is done by preliminary phytochemical screening and biological evaluations of extracts. The n-butanol extract was selected for compound isolation with column chromatography and identified by UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, FTIR, Mass and NMR Spectroscopic analysis. The results showed the isolated compounds identified as β-Sitosterol and Kaempferol.


Sesbania sesban, n-butanol extract, β-Sitosterol, Kaempferol.

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