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Anti-inflammatory potential of root and stem extracts of Sesbania sesban

Baljinder Singh, Rajiv Sharma, Rajiv Sharma, Kalia A.N., Kalia A.N.


Successive extracts of root and stem of Sesbania sesban were investigated for in-vitro and in-vivo anti-inflammatory potential employing human red blood cell membrane stabilization and rats paw edema methods respectively. Currently much interest is being paid in the search of medicinal plants with potent anti-inflammatory activity which may lead to the discovery of new therapeutic entity. The plant based agents are not only used to suppress the inflammation but also used in different disease conditions where the inflammation responses are amplifying the disease process. The potency of the successive extracts of root and stem of Sesbania sesban were compared with standard diclofenac sodium (10 mg/kg/b.w.). The n-butanol, aqueous and ethyl acetate extracts showed the most significant (p<0.01) whereas chloroform and total alkaloidal extracts showed modereate anti-inflammatory effects on membrane stabilizing action on human red blood cell membrane and inhibition of rats paw edema methods.


Sesbania sesban, anti-inflammatory, human red blood cell, stabilization method

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