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Ethno-botanical study of wild edible fruits consumed by the people of Lakhimpur district of Assam, India.

Dharitri Borgohain


The present study deals with the identification, ethno-botanical exploration, documentation and popularization of wild edible fruits consumed by the people of Lakhimpur district of Assam, India. Fruits are the chief sources of essential minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, sugar, water and possess tremendous medicinal value. Fruits play an important role in maintaining a well-balanced weight loss diet and healthy living. During the study period, several field trips were conducted in different seasons and the plants were identified by consulting relevant scientific literatures. In this paper, a total of 48 wild edible fruits belonging to 25 families were recorded along with their local names, scientific name, family, time of availability, taste and uses. Further, emphasize should be given in order to maintain and improve this important source of food supply for their conservation for human welfare.


Ethno-botany, Medicinal value, Wild edible fruits

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