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Check list of diatom taxa from Vindhyan rivers in Central Highland region

Jyoti Verma, Prateek Srivastava, Ambrina Sardar Khan, Anita Gopesh


Investigations were undertaken for the first time from the freshwater epilithic diatoms of the Vindhyan Rivers (Ken, Tons, Paisuni), Central Highland, India. Epilithic samples (33 nos) were obtained by scraping an area of 3x3 cm from cobbles at the 11 sampling stations (Ken, Tons, Paisuni) situated between latitude 23o30' to 26o N and longitude 78o30' to 82o30' E. In all 293 diatom taxa (species, varieties and forms) belonging 49 genera were identified, along with some unidentified forms.


Ken, Tons, Paisuni, Navicula, Nitzschia

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