Names of new taxa published and types deposited – A second case study

Bandyopadhyay S., Gopal Krishna*, Venu P.


An attempt has been made to see whether the types of the names of the new taxa published in a botanical journal, Nordic Journal of Botany, for a period of 15 years (1990–2004; volumes 10–24) from India are duly deposited in the cited herbaria of Botanical Survey of India. Earlier a similar exercise was done for the new taxa published in an Indian journal, Rheedea.


Botanical Survey of India; Herbaria; Type deposition; Verification.

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Bandyopadhyay S., Gopal Krishna and P. Venu. Names of new taxa published and types deposited – A second case study. Annals of Plant Sciences 6.03 (2017): 1585-1589.


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