Variation in mineral contents of Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou under NaCl stress-A true mangrove species

Arun Prasath A., Gomathinayagam M.*


30 days old healthy seedlings of Ceriops decandra were selected for NaC1 treatment. The experimental plants were treated with NaCl solution (Control, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 mM) by soil drenching method to analyze the ions such as Sodium, Calcium, Chloride, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Manganese. The results showed that above 800 mM the seedlings did not survived. Sampling for analysis of ions was taken on the 60th, 90th and 120th days after planting (DAP). Nitrogen and Calcium content were increased in 400 mM NaCl leaf tissues and were slightly increased in stem and roots of 400 mM. Chloride and Sodium was more accumulated by 800 mM NaCl treated leaves and then stem and root. Magnesium and Phosphorous content were decreased above the optimum concentration of NaCl.


Ceriops; ions; optimum; Salinity; Sodium.

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