Lantana camara, An Alien Weed for Livestock: A Review

Adya Prakash Rath, Krutanjali Swain, Sumitra Panigrahi, Abhilash Routray, Sipra Panda, Saraswat Sahoo, Subha Ganguly*


Lantana camara Linn. (Family: Verbenaceae), an ornamental shrub, a noxious weed grows in many tropical and subtropical parts of world. The common name of this ornamental shrub is lantana, wild/red sage, bunch berry, locally known as “Barophulnoo”. The genus Lantana (Verbenaceae) as described by Linnaeus in 1753 contained seven species, six from South America and one from Ethiopia. 


Lantana camara; Livestock; Weed

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