Comparative allelopathic effects of mango, litchi, sal forest leaf litter on the germination and seedling growth of rice (Oryza sativa)
The present investigation is carried out to study the effect of leaf litter extract on the other crop. Allelopathic is the, phytotoxic effect of plants leaf on the other plants is well known. Some plants whether orchard crop or forest trees releases some chemicals which effects negatively sometimes positively to the growth of the other plants. In the present study it was studied that how the soil treated with leaf litter powder of trees (Litchi, Mango, Forest tree) is effected the growth and development of other plant. In an orchard generally leaf litter is the important source of allelochemicals in the soil. Litchi, Mango and forest litter all inhibit the growth of the test crop(Rice) but maximum inhibition is recorded by Litchi leaf powder treatment followed by mango and Forest whether Agriculture soil is treated as control in this case. Germination %, MDA content, Root shoot dry weight is highly affected but chlorophyll was maximum recorded from litchi leaf treatment.
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