Study of roadside weed diversity along the constructed and non constructed roads in Palghar, Maharashtra, India.

Nitesh Joshi*, Prachiti Mule, Ambika Joshi


The study aims to explore the floristic diversity of the weeds occurring along the roadside of the Palghar Tehsil by calculating various diversity indices of two distinctly identified sites, one being disturbed, constructed sites with high usage while other is relatively less disturbed   mainly non-constructed sites and limited usage. The further purpose of the study was to draw conclusion in terms of floristic differences based on 3 indices viz. Shannon Weiner Index, Species Richness, Species evenness Index, Simpson’s Index and Sorenson’s Similarity Index. On comparison it was seen that the area that has limited usage has evenly distributed community and rich diversity as compared to another site. Diversity of the community occurring near non constructed road was found to be more as compared to the community occurring near constructed road.


Diversity index; weeds; constructed; non constructed roads; Palghar

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