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Isolation and characterization of native Azospirillium isolates from normal soils grown rice areas of Chhattisgarh

Neha Kashyap*, S. B. Gupta, Tapas Chowdhary


Sixty soil samples were collected from normal soils of Rice growing areas during year 2014-2015 from various blocks of Raipur district of Chattisgarh for isolation of Azospirillium. In this study 60 Azospirillium isolates were obtained and were characterized on the basis of Gram’s staining, starch hydrolysis, catalase test, urease test, gelatin liquefaction, growth performance in terms of intensity of blue colour produced in N-free malate broth, indole acetic acid (IAA) production and N-fixation capacity. Local Azospirillium isolate AZP-R03 was found most effective native Nitrogen fixing bacteria for Rice with a great potential for its use as nitrogen fixing bacterial fertilizer especially for Rice crop under agroclimatic conditions of Chattisgarh.


Azospirillium; Characterization; Indole acetic acid (IAA) production; Rice

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