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The Taxonomic Study Of The Genus Pisonia L. (Nyctaginaceae) In India

Debasmita Dutta Pramanick*, G. G. Maiti, M. S. Mondal


The family Nyctaginaceae Juss. is represented by 6 genera and 14 species in India of which the genus Pisonia L. is the most significant one due to its woody, arborescent habit, differential leaf arrangement pattern, presence of unisexual, hermaphrodite and polymorphic flowers in same and or different plants, unique characters of anthocarps and distinct types of pollen grains. The present paper deals with brief taxonomic account of the species of pisonia L. in India along with their ecology, distribution and uses. A key has been provided to help in easy identification of the species.


India; Pisonia L.; Systematic account

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