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Screening of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for their symbiotic efficiency on Ocimum sanctum L.

C. Maya, H. C. Lakshman*


Screening of four indigenous AM fungi for improvement of plant growth, biomass production and nutrient uptake was undertaken on Ocimum sanctum L. the results revealed that, plants inoculated with Rhizophagus fasciculatus was found to be the most significant. After 30 days increased shoot length, dry weight of root and shoot, mycorrhizal colonization and spore number were recorded. Plants inoculated with AM fungus R. fasciculatus showed significantly more number of flowers, compared to other AM fungi treated plants. The indigenous species, Rhizophagus fasciculatus was the best species among four species tested.  Hence, it can be concluded that experimental plant showed varied response to different AM fungi and Rhizophagus fasciculatus confers maximum growth benefits compared to all other fungi used in this study.


Ocimum sanctum L.; Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Biomass production; Nutrient uptake; per cent root colonization; and spore number.

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