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Lectotypification of Cinnamomum riparium Gamble (Lauraceae)

M. P. Geethakumary, A. G. Pandurangan*, S. Deepu


On revising the genus Cinnamomum of Southern India, we realized the confusion in the type designated to C. riparium Gamble.  After a thorough examination of literature and specimens housed at different national and international herbaria we proposed to designate a lectotype among syntypes bearing No.1573 of Bourdillon's collections from the Banks of Periyar River, Travancore during 1904.


Cinnamomum riparium; Lauraceae; Travancore; syntype; Lectotypification

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Gamble JS, New Lauraceae from Southern India, Bulletin of Miscellaneous information, 1925, 3, 128.

Gamble JS, Fischer CEC, Flora the Presidency of Madras, Vol.2, Adlard & Sons, London, 1925.

Kostermans AJGH, The South Indian species of Cinnamomum Schaeffer (Lauraceae), Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 1983, 25, 90-133.

McNeill J, Barrie FR, Buck WR, Demoulin V, Greuter W, Hawksworth DL, Herendeen PS, Knapp S, Marhold K, Prado J, Prud’homme Van Reine WF, Smith GF, Wiersema JH, Turland NJ (Eds.), International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code), Regnum Vegetabile 154, Koeltz Scientific Books, 2012.

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