Diversity of Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Disturbed and Undisturbed habitat
The study intends to investigate the floristic diversity of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park by calculating the Diversity Indices of two distinctly identified areas, one being disturbed (Main Road leading towards Kanheri Caves denoted as Site A) while the other area being undisturbed (Shilonda Trail denoted as Site B). The study further aims at drawing a conclusion in terms of the differences in the Floristic Diversity calculated by the Simpson’s reciprocal index and the Shannon-Weiner Index of the study areas during the monsoon season. on calculation, the Simpson’s Reciprocal Index for Site A was estimated to be 25.04 while Shannon – Weiner Index was recorded to be 30.2537 while Site B showed a diversity of 29.82 expressed by the Simpson’s Reciprocal Index and 40.253 by Shannon – Weiner Index Through the study it has been observed that the Shilonda Trail houses species identified under the IUCN Red Data List of Threatened Plants, namely, Gloriosa superba L., Dipcadi saxorum Blatt. and Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & R.R.Fern. For example, Gloriosa superba L.; enlisted as threatened and Dipcadi saxorum Blatt. and Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & R.R.Fern., both endemic and endangered species have been recorded in Site B. It can however, be concluded that though the undisturbed habitat harbors several exclusive species, both areas show high Diversity Indices.
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