Karyomorphological Study of Stephania hernandifolia - A Rare Medicinal Plant from Assam, India

Bhaskar Sarma, Bhaben Tanti*


A karyomorphological analysis of Stephania hernandifolia Walp from Assam, India was conducted. The study included determination of somatic chromosome number, total chromosome length, volume, arm ratio and centromeric position. Chromosome classification was done on the basis of the position of the centromere. Stephania hernandifolia possesses 2n=26 chromosomes of which12 median chromosomes, 8 metacentric chromosomes and 4 submetacentric chromosomes. One pair of metacentric chromosome possesses secondary constriction at sub-terminal region. The chromosome length varied from 1.36 µm to 3.74 µm while their volumes ranged from 0.004 µm3 to 0.294 µm3. The relative length of the chromosomes varied from 2.17 µm to 5.97 µm.


Stephania hernandifoli Walp.; Karyomorphology; Chromosome classification; Medicinal plant

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