Effect of cuticular and non cuticular substrates on the protease production in submerged cultures of high and low virulent isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae over ten days growth and autolysis phases
Protease production pattern, the key factor governing virulence of entomopathogenic fungi was studied in the more virulent and less virulent isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae using cuticles of Cockroach, Prawn, Casein or Glucose as substrates. Protease production, efficiency of growth and degree of autolysis were recorded during growth and autolysis phases. The noncuticular substrate casein demonstrated higher value of protease when compared to the samples with cuticular substrates of cockroach prawn. Effective utilization of exogenous carbon source from casein, glucose and cockroach supplements and the consequent increase in proteolytic activity detected in the high virulent isolate may be due to induction of the virulence related factors by the supplements. On the other hand, the low virulent isolate M10 showed marginal increase in proteolytic activity.
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