Aquatic and Semi Aquatic Macrophytic Flora of Brackish Waters of Kodungallur, Thrissur Dist, Kerala

Vaheeda K. K.*, Thara K. Simon


Ten sites from three biotopes of Kodungallur, Thrissur dist, Kerala were selected for the study.  These comprised of one station from the estuarine region, six from backwaters and three from a coastal canal. A hundred and twenty one species of aquatic and semi-aquatic vascular macrophytes were enumerated. The flora indicates that the aquatic ecosystem has undergone eutrophication and the estuary is experiencing stress.  The analysis of the macrophytic flora shows that the area lacks diversity of mangroves, though 23 mangrove associates reported from various parts of Kerala are found here.  The wetland plants were the most common growth forms present. Several medicinal plants were also observed. It is the wetland plants, moisture loving plants and mangrove associates that contribute more to the stability of the water bodies of the study area rather than the mangroves. Completely aquatic families did not contribute much to the diversity.


Aquatic and semi-aquatic macrophytes; mangrove; mangrove associates; eutrophication.

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