Occurrence of Cyanobacterial Flora (Nostocales) from Bhusawal City and its Adjoining Area, Maharashtra

J.S. Dhande


Algae are natural inhabitants of water and serves as indicators of water quality in various ways. Sewage water contains1-6 times more of organic matter which enhance the growth of algae. 48 members of Myxophytes collected from sewage water, moist soil near to sewage pools/puddles/nallies of Bhusawal city and its adjoining area. Present communication includes 18 taxa of genera like Trichodesmium Ehrenb., Phormidium Kuetz., Lyngbya Ag., Anabaenopsis (Wolosz.) Miller, Nostoc Vaucher, Anabaena Bory, Raphidiopsis Fritsh et Rich and Tolypothrix Kuetz.


Algae, sewage, Bhusawal, and Myxophyceae

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