Biodiversity with Special Reference to Indigenous Systems of Medicinal Plants, Ornamental and weed sof University College for Women, Koti, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

J. Shashikanth, M. Dorcas, S. Mugendhiran, Renu .


A total of 260 species belonging to 192 genera in 80 families were identified in the college premises. Among these, 67 families, 165 genera and 231species are dicotyledons. The monocotyledons represent 10 families, 24 genera and 26species, only three species were represented by gymnosperms. Dicotyledons represented maximum number of species. Family Leguminosae represented 36 species [Papilinoidae (13) + Caesalpinoide (14)+ Mimosoidae (9)], followed by Asteraceae (21 species), Euphorbiaceae (19 species), Apocynaceae (14 speceies) etc. Monotyledons include Poaceae representing 10 species followed by Arecaceae 5 species and Asparagaceae by 2 species etc.This study reveals that, the college campus is diverse and rich in native, exotic and ornamental flora.There is rapid degradation of environment because of anthropogenic activities, so there is urgent need to conserve biodiversity particularly medicinal and exotic plants. In the present study it was found that majority of plants that were recorded from the campus are indigenous medicinal plants having high medicinal value. University College for Women is contributing to plant biodiversity by nurturing the plants and maintaining greenery in college premises.


Biodiversity, Ayurveda, Sidhha, Unani, Homeopathy, Ornamental Plants, Weeds

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