Quantitative Ethno-Medicinal Studies of Some Trees and Shrubs from Southern Rajasthan
Ethno-medicinal survey of various tribal localities of Southern Rajasthan reveals 53 therapeutic usages of 75 plants for 15 body system. Quantification of documented data reveals Oroxylum indicum and Madhuca indica has maximum use value followed by Gmelina arborea and Diospyros melanoxylon while the Wrightia tinctoria has low therapeutic value. Accordingly Oroxylum indicum also revealed high % fidelity level and relative index, indicating popularization of same for its high healing potential. Ten plants i.e Ailanthus excelsa, Anogeissus latifolia, Commiphora wightii, Diospyros melanoxylon, Gmelina arborea, Holoptelea integrifolia, Madhuca indica, Oroxylum indicum, Sterculia urens and Tamarindus indica are used for maximum maladies. Quantification through informant consensus factor (ICF) for tree barks usage reveals Bhil, Meena and Garasia tribes had no degree of agreement on the usage of Commiphora wightii Damor tribes uses the same and similar data was also obtained for Madhuca indica. The Informant consent factor less than 50 percent for communities residing in the same niche indicates community specific traditional therapeutic approach. Hence, in present study these two species i.e Commiphora wightii and Madhuca indica indicated least consent among tribes.
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